Saturday, September 21, 2013

Parking Lot Incident -by A Friend

Today's run in with a "Christian":

Today at Wal-Mart I was in line behind a woman who was very proud to tell the cashier she was doing the food for a Church gathering this morning. She left and I was next in line. After paying, I go out to the parking lot to see her parking her now empty cart directly behind my car. I kindly moved it so that it was now behind HER car, and she backed into it. She got out of the car and proceeded to scream at me because now she was gonna be late to church. I kindly reminded her that she had left the cart behind my car to begin with. Apparently this lesson in the Golden Rule was missed by her, so I then proceeded to explain to her that her refusal to walk the extra 20 feet to put the cart in the corral it belongs in not only inconvenienced me, but also the people trying to drive between the aisles, the person who can't find a parking spot, the parking lot attendant who has to chase these things down, and his manager who has to make labor numbers on very slim margins.

"But I'm on my way to church! What are you? Some militant fu**ing athiest? You kids these days are SOOOOOOOO disrespectful it makes me sick!" was her response.......

And people wonder why I don't respect elders or Christians for simply being old and Christian...........

by A Friend 

Openly Voluntary comments that this is not a logical "proof" argument regarding christianity... 
just another example...

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